Sound Systems
Nothing sets the mood quite like music. Whether it is background music for cooking in the kitchen or entertaining outdoors, music can set the tone for any event in your Woodlands or Memorial home. But it can be much more than that too. A high performance home stereo system can transport you to the front row of a concert or a table at an intimate venue. The power of a high fidelity audio system to reproduce lifelike audio is a luxury for those with discerning taste. While certainly one of the most important parts of a music system, equipment is only one component of an expert design. The selection of the appropriate components, tuning to a room, and proper setup are the benchmarks of high performance. Icon Luxury Sound carries some of the most highly regarded brands in the entire world of audio, but can also provide the expertise in how to get them to perform together as a masterpiece. Power, performance, passion.

For years, Icon Luxury Sound has been the exclusive dealer for one of the most renown audio brands of all time, Wilson Audio. Only companies with a true understanding of high performance audio are offered the opportunity to become a dealer. Designed, manufactured, built, and tuned entirely in the US, Wilson has defined speaker design for over 40 years, largely considered to be the best speakers available. Audiophiles the world over have recognized the expertise in cabinet construction, driver design, crossover construction, and time alignment to honor Wilson Audio as one of the most award winning speakers of all time. From owners like Steve Jobs to well known musicians and conductors, Wilson speakers have become an heirloom purchase that will always be a statement piece in a system. Experience the sonic perfection that is Wilson Audio, along with the other fine products for high-end audio reproduction. Whether it is a statement piece for a listening room or a designer system that blends seamlessly with the style of your Memorial or Sienna Plantation home, Icon Luxury Sound are experts at matching the tastes of the listener to the style of the home.

With some of the most iconic speakers ever produced, Bowers & Wilkens has over half a century of experience in music reproduction. Now a household name among audiophiles, B&W has a speaker for every application. The new D3 Diamond series is a reference level line packed full of innovation, housed in a curvy cabinet. Manufactured in the UK, the B&W group also incorporates Rotel for high quality electronics. From stereo to cinema, one of the true innovators in audio has a product to suit.

From the creator of one of the most highly regarded audiophile companies of all time, Dan D'Agostino returned to build a signature brand to give his ideas of true expression in audio performance. Inspiring design derived from fine timepieces and unprecedented precision, the Momentum series of components expemplifies ultra high performance wrapped in stunning design. Engineered and hand built in the US of the very best quality components that are hand assembled to provide a no compromise approach. Very few places have the ability to show and sell these exquisite pieces of equipment. For a once in a lifetime experience that can be brought home, pair Dan D'Agostino with Wilson Audio speakers and be prepared to have your breath taken away.

Crafted in Italy like a fine musical instrument, Sonus Faber continues the tradition of hand craftsmanship and musical fidelity. With a focus on the beauty of the product as much as the beauty of the sound, the company is known for some of the most highly regarded loudspeakers reminiscent of famous musical instruments and their producers. Warm, rich sound produced from beautifully sculpted wooden cabinets. Style that blends technology with craftsmanship. Like an opera, a Sonus Faber speaker system is an expression of passion in art and performance.

One of the most distinctive and iconic speaker systems ever created, Martin Logan has redefined audio reproduction using electrostatic technology. Using thin film that is literally lighter than air, these magnificent electrostatic panels offer a large soundstage with stunning clarity. The modern, see-through look gives a streamlined silhouette to an otherwise imposing prescense. Demanding attention both visually and through their performance, the company has created coordinating speakers for architectural applications to blend seamlessly with the look and sound of the electrostatics to create a cohesive concept. Though not the only company using electrostatic technology, Martin Logan is most definitely the most memorable.

The people behind the scenes at McIntosh possess a desire to achieve the finest quality standards. McIntosh has defined quality sound reproduction and sets the standards for performance, reliability and service. McIntosh has handcrafted prestige audio products in Binghamton, NY since 1949. Glass front panels, Output AutoformersĀ®, Blue Watt Meters and Power GuardĀ® are some of the innovations that enhance product longevity. Legendary in its performance, McIntosh products have been associated to some of the most historically significant moments in music history. From the Grateful Dead's "Wall of Sound" to Brian Wilson's production of the album, Pet Sounds, to providing the massive power amplification requirements at Woodstock, McIntosh amplifiers remain one of the most sought after pieces of performance audio equipment.